
Musical Houses

Five of the properties have been acquired within the last five years. They are:

41 Fresh Pond Lane, 1970; 16 Hillside Ave., 1972; 95 Irving St., 1968; 14 Scott St., 1971; and 17 South St., 1969.

Ten of the properties have changed hands within the last five years. The properties and 1968 tenants are:

9 Farrar St., Robert A. Cushman, no employment record with the University; 19 Francis St., Charles P. Whitlock, dean of the College; 56 Francis Ave., Herbert D. Long, former dean of students at the Divinity School; 65 Francis Ave., Chase N. Peterson, vice president for Alumni Affairs; 81 Irving St., Martin Karplus, professor of Chemistry; 114 Irving St., Don K. Price, dean of the Kennedy School of Government; 138 Irving St., Douglas Schwalbe, managing director of the Loeb; 9 Kirkland Place, Paul H. Buck, University professor, emeritus; 11 Kirkland Place, William Doering, Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry; and 12 Sacramento St., Mrs. K.D. Brady, no employment record with the University.


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