
Tennis Pro Hewes To Teach Africans In Goodwill Tour

Perla Hewes, former Radcliffe tennis and squash coach, has been named as one of six American tennis players making a good will tour in Africa this summer.

The team was designated by Operation Crossroads Africa last weekend and will make the trip through a grant by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the State Department.

The players will split into three pairs, each with a different itinerary. Hewes has been matched with Kirk Moritz, captain of Columbia's men's team.

The two will make a nine week tour of Morocco, Tunisia and Somalia conducting clinics for all age groups instructing beginners and exchanging pointers with advanced players.

Since its beginnings in 1958 Operation Crossroads Africa has sent approximately 4000 American and Canadian students to 33 African countries to participate in self-help projects.


Hewes was selected because she is presently the number-one woman tennis player in New England in both singles and doubles.

Hewes is presently trying to round up used tennis racquets to give to her North African pupils. Brine's and the Tennis and Squash Shop are the collection centers in Cambridge for the used equipment.

Hewes said yesterday that she was "intrigued by the prospect of teaching tennis to people who aren't 'Cliffies."

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