
Proctors Exhaust $2000 Fund For Beer, Soda and 'Goodies'

The beer fund for the freshmen dormitories has run dry.

F. Skiddy von Stade Jr., dean of freshmen, said yesterday that the $2000 fund used by freshmen proctors for "entertainment" had been exhausted.

Although he declined to term it a "beer fund," Burris W.C. Young, assistant dean of freshmen, said yesterday that proctors spend most of the money on beer.

Getting Together

"Beer is a good way for some of the guys and their proctors to get together," Young said.


Charlie E. Johnson, a proctor in Matthews Hall, said yesterday that he received a letter on May 7 informing him that "beer funds" for his dorm had been cut off.

The letter, signed by Young, said flatly, "There will be no more buying of goodies of any sort on the Dean's account."

Johnson, who has spent over $300 from the fund, said that with 40 male students in his entryway, "there are likely to be a few who enjoy the golden bubbly."

Noting a decline in drug usage among students, Johnson said there was a definite increase in beer consumption, which he has bean supporting partly through the dean's fund.

All-women entries spend considerably less of the fund than all-male ones, Barbara Maloney, a proctor in Thayer, said yesterday.

Maloney, who was unaware of the fund cut-off, explained that the girls by and large prefer Tab to costlier beer.

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