
Intramural Crews Brave Stormy Weather

Kirkland and Eliot Field Top Crews For House Races

Kirkland House pulled away from the field in its heat yesterday, downing second-place Mather by two lengths and establishing itself once again as the power in House intramural crew competition.

Mather was supposed to be the big challenger to Kirkland this year so it looks as though the reigning champions should take first-place honors again. Varsity crew co-captain Gene LeBarre has been coaching the K-House crew most of this Spring.

Late Surge

In other action, Eliot House nipped Quincy by two seats in the second heat of the A crew competition. Both boats narrowly fended off a late-race surge by Winthrop House.

Mather House came from behind in the first heat of the B competition, moving by a surprisingly quick Adams House crew to win going away. Kirkland House edged Adams at the wire to finish second, over a length back of first-place Mather.


Handy Win

In the second B heat Eliot House won handily over Winthrop, and both crews were well in front of the rest of the pack. The crews which took firsts or seconds in yesterday's races will face each other crews will compete in a consolation race Tuesday for one last opening in both the A and B finals.

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