

The Mail

To the Editors of The Crimson:

In reference to the Crimson story of April 27, "GSD Films Cans 'Casablanca' Due to 'Pressure' from Epps," I would like to set this matter straight.

We at GSD Films are not overly concerned whether or not we protect nearby industries that do not offer similar concessions to Harvard members. We are not concerned, not because we are callous, but because we are a non- profit film series. Our sole purpose is to provide a service to the Harvard University community which the surrounding business community does not provide. Coincidently, at present one of the local theaters is showing "Casablanca" at an admission price which is double what we would have charged. (Please note that our films are open only to members of the university community). We have had a large number of requests for this film from university members. This film showing had been listed with the Film Studies Council (of which we are a voluntary member) for over four months. The local theaters have never to my knowledge sent the F.S.C. a list of what they were showing so that conflict could be avoided. They are well-aware that the F.S.C. exists and could have easily sent such a list.

Instead the Brattle Theaters have sent a list of do not touch" films. I was challenging their authority to do this. (Whether or not Mr. Epps wishes to enforce this list among the undergraduate film series is his and the undergraduates' business. If the undergraduates feel intimidated by Mr. Epps, and are unwilling to challenge the "do not touch" list or are in agreement with it is not for me to say.) It is only the legal question, since we in no way wish to jeopardize this university's tax-exempt status, that stopped our showing.

If we are to protect the local theaters, the least they could do is circulate their advance programs of films and give Harvard members a discount on admissions. Without this, or some similar type of reciprocity, we are not clear why we must protect their interest over the interest of the members of this university. Andrew D. Seidel   for GSD Films


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