

BRATTLE Maltese Falcon 5:30 7:30 9:30 Weekend Mat. 3:30

CENTRAL I King of Hearts (De Broca) 6:30 9:45 weekend mat. 3:10 Devil by the Tail 8:15 weekend mat. 4:55

CENTRAL II My Uncle Antoine 6, 9:35 The 400 Blows 7:55, weekend mat, 4:15

HARVARD SQUARE The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeousie 3:05, 6:25, 9:50 Walkabout

ORSON WELLES CINEMA I Rebecca 4, 7:45, 11:20 Bill of Divorcement 6:15, 10


CINEMA II The Harder They Come, St. Louis Blues 4, 6, 8, 10

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