
Robert J. Ginn Is New Senior Tutor For Quincy House

Charles W. Dunn, Master of Quincy House, asked the Corporation last week to approve the appointment of Robert J. Ginn as next year's acting Allston Burr Senior Tutor in Quincy House.

Ginn, assistant director of the Office for Graduate and Career Plans and a resident tutor of the House, said yesterday that he views the new job as an experiment in improving communication between the OGCP office and the Houses.

"As senior tutor I will be in a position to see how we can get more information about UHS, the Bureau of Study Counsel, and OGCP out to students," Ginn said.

Sophomore Advisory System

"I would also like to establish a sophomore advisory system where members of the Senior Common Room will be involved as advisors to sophomores," he said.


"It disturbs me that so many of the people I counsel at OGCP feel isolated from the Faculty and the other students at Harvard," Ginn said. "I've been involved in communal living experiences for the last eight years, and I think the House has great potential for becoming a closer community.

Lack of Concern

Ginn attributed the lack of concern for the quality of life in the Houses to the political activism of the past few years. "Now that things are quiet, we can concentrate on creating more House activities," he added.

Ginn will take over his duties from Roger K. Thomas, assistant professor of Geology, who is taking a leave of absence next year to do research in Germany.

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