
Intramural Boxing Tournament Draws Fighters from Harvard and Radcliffe

Boxers from both Harvard and Radcliffe will enter the ring this afternoon in what could be the most unusual boxing tournament in Straus Cup history.

Nine fighters from Lowell House--including two women, RoAnn Costin and Sandy Wallace--all plan to take a dive to show their opposition to boxing as a Straus Cup activity.

Women Boxers

Lee Sheehy, student supervisor of the tournament, said yesterday that there are no rules preventing the two women from participating in the tournament as long as they pass the physical.

Mike Bernick, a Harvard junior with three years boxing experience is scheduled to meet Wallace this afternoon. Bernick said yesterday that he would not touch Wallace if she entered the ring.


Bernick said he was considering moving into the 135 lb. class where his opponent would be a member of the Harvard Lampoon. "That would be just as challenging as fighting Sandy," Bernick said.

Costin said last night that she considered boxing neither a sport nor an athletic event, and that she failed to understand why men are willing to fight other men, but upset when they have to box against women.

Wallace said yesterday she hoped the Lowell protest and boxing's frequent injuries would prompt the Athletic Department to end boxing intramurals.

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