
J.V. Batmen Top Huskies To Avenge Earlier Loss

The junior varsity baseball team took an early lead and held on to defeat Northeastern yesterday, 7-5, avenging an opening game loss to the Huskies.

The batmen exploded for five runs in the first two innings off Northeastern starter Glenn Kelly and coasted the rest of the way en route to their second victory in three games. Sophomore pitchers Terry Shlimbaum, Jimmy Harrell and Nils Nilsen combined for the win.

Tom Hadley started things rolling for the Crimson in the first inning, scoring an unearned run. Hadley singled, stole second, went to third on a passed ball and scored on an error by the second baseman.

Fattening the Pork

Harvard fattened its lead to 5-0 in the second. The big blows in the inning were provided by Shlimbaum, who doubled and scored on an error; third baseman Rick Harris, who singled in two runs; and Phil Allen, who singled Harris to third and successfully eluded a rundown while Harris streaked home.


First baseman Allen, fullback on the football team, showed his stuff again in the fifth when he flattened and bloodied a Huskie baserunner. Allen took offense when the Huskie barrelled into him on a close play at first; both players were ejected from the game.

Harrell, who replaced Shlimbaum for the Crimson on the mound in the sixth inning, was a victim of bad breaks and shaky fielding as Northeastern jumped on him for four runs. Nilsen relieved Harrell with one out and pitched the rest of the game, allowing just one run.

Harvard added insurance runs in the sixth and seventh innings. Fleet-footed Sandy Milley tripled to right to lead off the sixth and scored on a sacrifice fly. Dave Vaughan scored in the seventh on a walk, an infield error, a stolen base and a throwing error by the Huskie catcher.

Catcher Don Kjelmyr led the Crimson hitting attack with three singles and a walk in five at bats. Coach Buddy Mahar said he was especially impressed by Harris's hitting. "That guy has been coming through for us at the plate all season long," Mahar said after yesterday's game.

Mahar also had kind words for his sophomore-studded pitching staff. "A couple of our pitchers will definitely be pitching on the varsity next year," he said.

The J.V. batmen now sport a 2-1 record, which includes a 7-4 loss to Northeastern in the season opener and a 6-4 win over Boston College. The team plays again Monday against Wentworth Institute.

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