
Hunt Hall Demolition Planned for June 15; Freshman Dorm Complex to Be Ready in '74

Hunt Hall will be demolished immediately after Commencement Day, June 15, and construction of the new freshman dormitory will begin shortly afterwards.

The new dormitory complex will be four stories high and divided into eight 30-people entryways after its completion in 1974. "There will be two four-person suites and a communal bathroom in every level," said Carl Meinhardt, the architect designing the dormitory.

Meinhardt discussed temporary construction plans with interested freshmen yesterday. Burriss Young '55, associate dean of Freshmen said the meetings with Meinhardt and John Hawes of the University Planning Office, will be held weekly so that freshmen can make suggestions and be informed of the plans.

Meinhardt said that the four-person suites will be designed so that they can be easily converted into two triples and two singles. This flexibility will be achieved with two doors in the last room of each of the quadruples.


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