
Synopsis of Important Dates

February 27: AIM seizes Wounded Knee, takes 11 hostages.

March 1: Hostages released; Senators McGovern, Kennedy, and Fulbright negotiate with AIM leaders.

March 8: The National Council of Churches starts negotiations between Federal officials and AIM; 6 p.m. withdrawal deadline passes.

March 10: FBI agent shot in the hand.

March 11: AIM declares Wounded Knee a sovereign nation.


March 13: Sioux Falls, S.D., grand jury indicts top AIM leaders.

March 17: Chief negotiator Harlington Wood returns from White House with peace proposal; AIM burns it the next day.

March 25: Kent Frizzell replaces Wood as negotiator.

March 26: Tribal Council roadblock goes up; press barred from the village; U.S. marshal shot in the chest, resulting in cease-fire the next day.

March 31: Negotiations reopen, first talks since AIM burned Wood's proposal.

April 5: peace accord signed.

April 7: AIM representatives meet in Washington to discuss Oglala treaty rights; occupation continues.

April 9: AIM testifies before Congressional subcommittee hearings.
