
the stage

Bewitched Bayou. The heartwarming story of a simple country girl who went to the big city but never forgot her Louisiana home. Hasty Pudding Theatricals.

The Jewish Wife by Brecht, and Peter Handke's I Came Into the World, opening tomorrow at the Caravan Theater, 1400 Mass. Ave.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. If you haven't seen it by this time (I haven't), there's presumably no hope for you. At the Charles Street Playhouse.

No Hard Feelings. So its backers would like to believe, that is. At the Colonial, mercifully closing Sat.

Praise the Law and Pass the Erudition. And put your faith in cod and eat your chowder dry. An original musical satire of law school life. At the Pound Multipurpose Room (apparently a real place).


Suffragette! The life and times of Emmeline Pankhurst, conceived, composed and concretized by Josh Rubins and George Birnbaum, both law students. The Independent gave it a rave. At Agassiz.

Uncle Vanya. A new production of Chekhov's play, opening tomorrow at the Boston Repertory Theater, Marlboro and Berkeley Sts.

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