
HSA Will Convert Good Life Coffee House Into Pub

Harvard Student Agencies (HSA) discontinued operation of its Good Life coffee house last weekend and will shortly begin conversion of the facility into a student beer and wine pub.

Derrick D. Cephas '75, manager of the coffee house, which is in the old Hotel Continental on Garden St., attributed the changeover to financial considerations. "Students drink a lot more beer than coffee," he said Monday.

HSA may not legally open its pub until after the University obtains a license to sell beer and wine. Cephas said that "it's a safe assumption" that Daniel Steiner '54, general counsel to the University, will obtain a beer and wine license for Harvard within three weeks.

The Good Life has been "going only so-so" financially since it began last November, David L. Murphy '75, assistant manager of the coffee house, said Monday.


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