
Lettuce Activists Hit Local A & P


A Cambridge supermarket came under fire this week for allegedly selling lettuce which was not picked by UFW members under the United Farm Workers' Union (UFW) label.

Local Union supporters plan to file suit against the Porter Square A & P, although the store manager said the outlet has sold only UFW iceberg lettuce for weeks.

UFW supporters have picketed the store for a month as part of a nationwide campaign. About 500 protestors marched through Boston last month in support of the national boycott of A & P stores.

The A & P on February 20 issued a statement explaining that it buys lettuce from growers who have contracts with either the UFW or the Teamsters' Union.

The UFW has taken the position that the Teamsters' Union is not a legitimate union for farm workers, and that farm workers overwhelmingly support the UFW.


Union supporters claim that A & P is the largest distributer of non-Union lettuce in the country.

The Cambridge A & P has been picketed by UFW supporters for the past month. The store manager said last week that the picketers have harassed and insulted some of his customers.

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