
Frosh Racquetmen Squash Yale J.V.s

The Yale junior varsity squash team provided little trouble for the Harvard frosh racquetmen, dropping an 8-1 decision to the Crimson yesterday.

The Crimson closed out its season impressively, losing only the number seven match en route to the victory in Hemenway Gym.

Only the Princeton J.V. team defeated the freshmen racquetmen this year. The Crimson ended up 8-1. Coach Corey Wynn said the team could have won the Princeton match, but "a few of the guys had lab and stuff and if they could have been there, it would have made the difference It was a close match."

In evaluating his team, Wynn said. "This team has a lot of potential. Our first two men will help out Jack [Barnaby, varsity squash coach] next year. A few of the other men will be able to help out also."
