
Cliffe Skiers Triumph at Tenney Mt., Shooting for Eighth Championship

Radcliffe's ski team swept past six other teams in both the slalom and the giant slalom competition to win the combined New England Women's Intercollegiate Ski Conference (NEWISC) meet at Tenney Mt., N.H., last weekend.

The 'Cliffe placed second, fourth, and sixth in a field of 29 in Saturday's slalom competition. Kathy Angell, Captain Debbie McLane and Harriet Bering captured the top spots for Radcliffe.

In Sunday's giant slalom, McLane and Angell grabbed the second and third spots and Bering finished 13th.

Radcliffe skiers have won their conference title in six out of the past seven years. Last season they did not compete as a team.

"They really roared back after a year off," Coach Mary Paget said yesterday. She added that although it is a little early in the season to tell, she thinks that the team has a good chance of regaining the NEWISC title.


Merrimack, Middlebury, Holyoke, the University of Massachusetts, the University of New Hampshire and Wellesley competed in last weekend's races. This weekend's competition at Haystack Mt., Vermont, is expected to attract even more teams.

Paget said that there are enough women skiers interested in the team this season to make it possible for Radcliffe to field both a varsity and junior varsity team.
