
Resurgent Jox Face Crimson In Grudge Basketball Game

A cocky, cigar-chomping Dan Steiner predicted yesterday that Box Jox would annihilate the Crimson in today's grudge hoop contest.

The University's chief legal paper pusher announced that financial kingpin Hale Champion had been dropped from the Jox squad "because of attitude problems." However the scuttlebut in Mass Hall has it that Champion was dropped because he could not keep up with the daily two hour conditioning program imposed on the Jox by their policeman, Dave "the Animal" Davis.

No Carrot, Big Stick

Since the "touch" football game earlier in the fall, when the Crime punished the Jox physically in a 23-2 victory, Davis has led the Jox through grueling drills designed by Coach Bob Harrison. Steiner said that Bok has been so taken with the training program that he has supplemented the regular workouts with a weight lifting program.

Steiner added that one source of conflict between Mass Hall and University Hall has been Bok's insistence that daily workouts under Davis' direction be a prerequisite for membership on the Faculty Council.


Crime boss Dan Swanson will start a jump center against Davis. The Chicago leftist predicted yesterday that his backcourt combination of Sue "Big Boo Yoo-Hoo" Kinsley and Dale "But Don't You Dare Call Me Frail" Russakoff would run Steiner and Mass Hall hack Chuck Daly off the floor. Up front, where it counts, the Crime plans to go with Bob "Daddy D" Decherd and Leapin Liz Samuels, a high school teammate of former Marquette great. Bob Lackey.

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