James Vorenberg '48, professor of Law and a former consultant to special prosecutor Archibald Cox '34, rejoined the Watergate special prosecution force Wednesday.
Vorenberg, who resigned his original post after Cox was fired by President Nixon on October 21, will be a special part-time consultant to Cox's successor, Leon Jaworski. James Doyle, spokesman for the prosecution team, said that Vorenberg will come to Washington at least every other Thursday, as he did when Cox was in charge of the investigation.
Doyle said that Vorenberg resumed his duties at the personal request of Jaworski.
Vorenberg said yesterday "My job is to keep a running record of decisions made by the prosecutor's office. This will help to insure that future prosecuting decisions are consistent with those made earlier."
Advice Incidental
"I come in after the fact," Vorenberg said. "Giving advice will only be an incidental part of my job."
Vorenberg said that one problem with the U.S. judicial system is that prosecutors have wide discretion as to who to prosecute. He said he felt a continuing record would help insure fair decisions by the prosecution.
The log could be the beginning of a historical record of the Watergate investigation, he added.
"I'm working in my area of specialty, the one I do at the Law School. I'm trying to bring rationality into the prosecuting process," Vorenberg said.
Vorenberg said that he is continuing a job that he started under Cox. "I also have a strong personal interest in continuing the work we started," he said.
Vorenberg added that he did not remember if he consulted with Cox before accepting Jaworski's offer, but was sure that Cox would approve.
Vorenberg resigned in October because he felt that as a consultant, he had a personal relationship with Cox. All fulltime members of Cox's staff have continued their work throughout the special prosecutor controversy.
"This is not a major time commitment for me," Vorenberg said. "I regard myself as a very small cog in the prosecutor's office.
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