
B.U.'s Walsh and Co. Invade Watson Rink Tonight

The past two seasons Boston University has had its problems with the NCAA and the ECAC over the question of the eligibility of several players on the hockey team. Those problems are behind the Terriers, so when the B.U. invades Watson Rink tonight all they have to worry about is beating Harvard.

Last season B.U. was forced to forfeit quite a few games due to one of the squad being declared ineligible. This year a District Court judge ruled favorably in the eligibility cases of Bill Buckton and Peter Marzo and the squad is back in business with Buckton leading all Terrier goal scorers with five.

Better Competition

Boston University and Harvard enter the contest with identical 32 records. The Crimson, however, have notched wins against Penn, St. Lawrence and Clarkson, all on the road and all Division One squads. The Terriers on the other hand downed such competition as Bowling Green, Providence and Princeton.

The loss column shows that both squads lost to our neighbors to the north, B.U. dropping one to Vermont (Division Two's answer to Division One) while the Crimson lost to UNH. Both teams came up against Chuck Walker and the Big Green and came out losers. Walker saved 44 against the Terriers as Dartmouth won, 4-3, and 33 against the Crimson.


But so much for the comparisons of opponents. The real key to the game tonight will be the play of Terrier goaltender Kevin Walsh. If Walsh is having a good night, it will be easier for Harvard to pull a camel through the eye of a needle than to put the puck in the B.U. net.

Walsh has played in all five B.U. games this season with a defense allowing 22 shots on him per game. Of those 110 shots only nine have bulged the cords behind Walsh. For you math majors, this means that Walsh has saved 90.8 per cent of the shots on him.

On offense, B.U. coach Leon Abbott will be going with a top line of three Bills, Burlington centering Buckton and Bishop. Burlington is the leading scorer so far with 12 points on 4 goals and 8 assists. Buckton is second with 9 total points.

Terry Meagher is the third leading scorer with 4 goals, all against Bowling Green, and 4 assists.

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