

The Mail

To the Editors of The Crimson:

With respect to The Crimson's November 13 story on Mather Films:

Charlie Teague is the chairman of the most successful film society on campus. He devotes an enormous amount of his time running the film society only because he enjoys cinema and because he is conscientious. People who really know Teague realize such an assertion is not meant to read as a patronizing obituary in the Mather Memo.

Under Teague's direction, Mather Films restored the 75 cent film to Harvard. With the society's profits, more expensive films could be seen by more people at lower cost. Free films have been shown Sunday nights at Mather, and have thus far proven quite popular.

Last, but hardly least, Teague brought "Gone With the Wind" to campus, and for only 75 cents. You paid more to see it in 1939.


I would hope people who read the Crimson's story on Mather Films would note these points. Charlie has been given a very difficult time by house council types who have done little or no work for the film society. James L.Baughman '74
