

The Mail

To the Editors of The Crimson:

I am extremely upset as a result of an article by Richard Edelman in this morning's Crimson (Nov. 12). The article concerned Harvard's victory on November 10 over the Norfolk Prison Quiz Team, and in it I was misquoted and unfairly portrayed.

Edelman stated that I was "100 per cent discomfited" during our hours at Norfolk, and quoted my supposed agitation over having received the "sad story" of the prisoners' lives, simply because I am the only woman on the squad. When I spoke to Mr. Edelman, I said nothing of the kind. Rather, I told him that I had discussed personal, emotional issues with the prisoners, as opposed to academic subjects. This was not only due to my being female, but also to the fact that I had participated in this activity last year, and was already acquainted with the men. Marjorie Schulman


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