
Junta Orders Mass Arrests In Attempt to Crush Revolt

Greek soldiers detained scores of youths and workers in a soccer stadium yesterday following a confrontation between police and students that left 11 persons dead and at least 148 injured.

Those apprehended--half of whom were construction workers and local union leaders, according to one high official--were taken to the stadium for questioning, and then released or taken to jails.

The arrests appear to indicate that students have won at least some support from workers in their bid to topple the army-backed regime led by President George Papadapoulos.

Troops and tanks patrolled Greece's three largest cities--Athens, Salonica, and Patras--enforcing the martial law declared Saturday after two days of bloody clashes between police, troops and dissidents.

Army tanks entered the Athens Polytechnic Institute yard early Saturday to end a student sit-in. The campus was still littered yesterday with broken chairs, socks, shoes, blankets, steel pipes, wooden clubs and broken bottles.


Trade Federation Denial

The Federation of Builders and Related Trades of Greece condemned the Polytechnic incidents of Friday and claimed the students had been led astray "by extremist elements." The federation said its 250,000 members had nothing to do with the disturbances.

The undersecretary to the premier, Spyriden Zournatzis, told Greek journalists Sunday night that 866 persons had been taken into custody during the weekend's distrubances.

The undersecretary called for a government of national unity to reestablish calm and "prepare the country for a normal transition to democracy."

Salonica University, closed last Wednesday by the demonstrators, was reopened Monday. Patras University and colleges in Athens have been closed indefinitely following the bloody disturbances at Athens Polytechnic Institute.

Harvard's Ad Hoc Committee for Support of the People's Struggle in Greece will hold a protest in support of the rebellion in front of the Greek consulate in Boston today at 3 p.m.

The students plan to picket the consulate throughout the night. Greek students from Princeton and Yale will also take part in today's demonstraton.

The Ad Hoc Committee is also planning a Greek teach-in to be held at Harvard within the next ten days, one protester said.

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