
New York EPA Has A Secret


An unpublished study by New York City's Environmental Protection Agency charges that Consolidated Edison's proposed Storm King power plant is not economically feasible. The Crimson learned this week.

John Simpson, assistant administrator for the New York EPA, acknowledged Wednesday that unreleased documents recently circulated within the agency "look at the economics [of the Storm King project] in terms of changes in cost estimates for construction and fuel."

"There is no doubt that fuel costs have risen, and that delays in constructing nuclear power facilities may affect Storm King," Simpson said. "Also, there have been dramatic escalations in construction costs during the delays."

Although the EPA has discussed releasing the information to Con Ed, the agency has yet to decide "what to give them and when," Simpson said. He added that several technical problems must be ironed out before any material is released.

Simpson said the EPA is preparing a cost analysis study which will compare the Storm King project with alternative Con Ed proposals.


The city will probably appeal a court case which charges that the Storm King project will damage the Catskill aqueduct, Simpson said. Forty per cent of New York City's water supply flows south directly through the Catskill aqueduct.

Environmentalists have delayed construction of Con Ed's Storm King pumped water-storage project for over ten years. The utility, which claims that the plant is essential for New York City's power needs, will require at least 300 acres of Harvard's 3600-acre Black Rock Forest to build the power complex.

Daniel Steiner '54, general counsel to the University, said in October that Harvard would not negotiate with Con Ed unless the utility posed a "genuine threat" by winning eminent domain proceedings against neighboring land-owners.

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