Lowell House's tackle football team capped off an undefeated and unscored-upon season yesterday with a 6-0 win over Quincy House.
The win secured the intramural championship for Lowell and a trip to New Haven next week to battle Yale's intramural champ. Eliot House now ranks second and will probably play Yale's runnerup.
Quarterback Gerry Harper skirted left end for eight yards on a bootleg play to punch over the game's only score early in the first quarter. Lowell's defense then took control of the game by pinning Quincy inside its own 40-yard line the rest of the afternoon.
It was a typical house football win--only twice during its six-game season did Lowell House score more than one touchdown. Only on one occasion did Lowell score any points in the second half. Lowell completed four passes all season of which three were touchdowns.
Fall Offensive
The win set Lowell House up as front runner in the race for the Straus Cup, the overall intramural championship trophy. Lowell also leads in the two other fall sports, soccer and touch football.
Floyd Wilson, Director of Intramural Atheletics, said last night, "I think this is just great for Lowell. I can remember when Lowell House was just pathetic. They once rang the Lowell bells after scoring a touchdown."
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