
Students Attending Meals More Often

Undergraduates are attending meals at a rate 5 to 10 per cent ahead of last year, Frank J. Weissbecker, associate director of food services, said yesterday.

Weissbecker said the number of meals served to the average student on board contract each week rose from 14 in previous years to 16 or 17 this fall. He attributed the increase to the "economy of the day," especially the greater cost of food in Harvard Square restaurants.

Lunches served in Harvard dining halls are running 10 per cent over last year, dinners are up 5 to 10 per cent and break-fasts are eaten by 5 to 7 per cent more students, Weissbecker said.

Weissbecker said the Food Services had anticipated the increase from the experiences of catering services at other colleges, adding that the upswing has not resulted in unexpected or unbudgeted costs.

A majority of students living at Harvard--50 to 52 per cent--now eat break-fast, Weissbecker said. The figure for past years was a fairly steady 45 per cent.


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