The MIT Peace Coalition will sponsor a reach-in Friday as part of the continuing local organized opposition to the Indochina War.
Speakers at the event will include John K. Fairbank '29, Higginson Professor of History, Edwin O. Reischauer, University Professor: Mayor Barbara Ackermann of Cambridge; Howard Zinn, professor of government at Boston University; Jerome Lettrin, professor of biology at MIT; and poet Denise Levertov.
Fugene Bell, Professor of Biology at MIT and a member of the Peace Coalition, said yesterday that the teach-in is intended to supplement the January 19th Committee's lunch hour demonstration in downtown Boston Friday. He said the Peace Coalition has given monetary support to the January 19th Committee.
The teach-in will be held in the Salida Puerto Rico at the MIT Student Center. It will last from 4 p.m. until midnight.
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