ELIOT HOUSE DINING ROOM, Cat Ballou. Jan. 19 and 20.8 and 10, $1.
FRESHMAN UNION, "Herman J. Mankiewicz Films" Stanley Kubrick's Paths of Glory (8) and Lelita (10:30), Jan 19 and 20, $1 for the double feature.
HARKNESS COMMONS. Stagecoach with John Wayne. Jan. 20, 8, $1.
HARVARD-EPWORTH CHURCH, "Blind Husbands" by Erich von Stroheim Jan. 18, 7:30. "The General Line" by Eisenstein plus "Summer Reverence" by Gerson, Jan. 21, 7:30, $1.
MIT MAIN BUILDING (77 Mass. Ave.), "W.C. Fields and Charlie Chaplin Orgy" a series of shorts, Jan. 14. 7 and 9:30 The Heroes of Telemark starring Kirk Douglas. Jan. 21. 7 and 9:30 $.50 donation for CARE-Nicaragua Fund.
QUINCY DINING HALL. A Fistful of Dollars starring Clint Eastwood. Jan. 19-21. 8 and 10. $1.
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