
Interviews With Larner and O'Neal

We'd stop when we ran out of stock we fought, we argued, we went through many trials. It was that kind of scene. We completed the film, and the next thing I knew Warner Brothers had picked it up.

Q: Sig Show was the only white in creative credits. How involved was he in the film?

A. The film would never have been possible without him. He did directing mostly edited the film.

Q: Were there any political arguments and the others.

A Not political if Sig and I or Phal or Gorden disputed anything, it would be whether the film was commercial or not. We learned something from him--he's been in the business 25 years you know. On the other hand we pulled him into come ideas that with his formula-ridden thinking he didn't think would work.


For instance the relationship between the white girl and Priest. I would hope that when you saw the trim there wasn't anything offensive about the relationship It would have been eass to put the white girl down strangely enough I was on her side. You see rust because it was a black him they wanted to do the same thing to that girl as is traditionally tone to black women in white films we came to a sort of compromise she still something to be avoided. but an interesting not offensive person who does love Priest It's the Upper East Side world she movies in that stinks for tam.

Q: will Super Fly be followed up?

A There's a very strong possibility. And a sequel has very potential of being a better film than Super Fly. We've established our base from which he can mature we don't known what his fullness would be. But there must be a deepening' Super grows which is why he's different from the black film characters.

Q: What other different are there between him and the others?

A I think anyone can agree intellectually with a man who wants to give up dope peddling and get out of the ghetto And the plan he comes up with is quite clever I think You know, a lot of people think the black community is without intellect.

Q: You seem to think of Priest as some kind of existential hero.

A: Well...the trouble is that this is such an insane country that Priest is really a very common person, at lest from the outside. A ghetto is an artificial situation, like a laboratory. You take away so many things, and crowd the people in so, that they do the strangest things.

Q: The film, according to the press hand-outs, was financed by a host of ghetto figures from "pushers to dentists, from madams to businessmen."

A: There's some truth in that. Primarily the film was financed by two black dentists. We received money from others in small amounts, when we were desperate, from various other people.

Q: Did you have any trouble with New York City unions
