
Mayor Says Council Playing Games With Dispute Over City Manager

Mayor Barbara Ackermann accused five City Council members of "playing games and holding the city up to ridicule" Wednesday evening after the five voted to adjourn the Council within 30 minutes for the second consecutive night.

The meetings were called to discuss removing City Manager John H. Corcoran.

Liberal Councillor Henry F. Owens III, who voted with the four independent councillors for adjournment, said he would not attend any Council meetings where City Solicitor Philip J. Cronin was not present.

"The issue of the City Manager is much too important for us to discuss without the City Solicitor," Owens said. "I'm not going to take any illegal steps that might hinder my candidate, James Johnson."

Last week the Council passed a resolution appointing Johnson, who is now deputy City Manager of Kansas City, Mo., to the local post pending Corcoran's removal.


'Bobby Fischer Tactics'

"We conduct most of our meetings without the City Solicitor," Ackermann said. "It seems to me this group is using Bobby Fischer tactics without Bobby Fischer's brains."

Cromn is currently on his one-week annual vacation sailing of the coast of Maine. His two assistants also said they were unavailable to attend the Council meetings.

Councillor Thomas Danehy has already indicated he might take court action questioning the legality of Council actions in the Manager dispute.

Mayor Ackermann will reconvene the Council next Tuesday to take up resolutions removing Corcoran and stating the reasons for removal.
