
Galbraith Is Urged To Oppose Brooke

Members of the Newton delegation to the Massachusetts Democratic Convention have initiated a movement to draft John Kenneth Galbraith, Warburg Professor of Economics, to oppose incumbent Edward Brooke in the U.S. senatorial race.

A letter of support from 17 of 19 members of the Newton delegation to Galbraith, former ambassador to India, said that the delegation feels Galbraith's position on economic affairs, his opposition to the war, and insight into the military-industrial complex more "truly represents the position of the people of Massachusetts than the equivocation of Edward Brooke."

Sanford Kowal, an attorney and state committeeman, said the delegation feels that Galbraith will help the Democratic Party defeat President Nixon in November. He said the delegation cannot "support a candidate such as Brooke who would actively or passively support President Nixon.
