ONE MEMBER of the Class of '72 will not be able to receive her diploma today. The latest decision of the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities (CRR) requires Bonnie E. Blustein '72 and Ellen Messing '73 to withdraw for one year from the University. It is yet another pronouncement of discipline from a body that should not, by rights, be making such decisions.
The CRR, which was instituted as a student-faculty body, no longer has any student members. By a majority of votes in each of the Harvard and Radcliffe Houses last year, students voted not to send any representatives to a body which makes judgment only on political actions.
That CRR decision, on the fates of two of 40 students who sat-in at Government Department offices in protest of Harvard's complicity in the Vietnam and Angola wars, is petty as well as illegitimate. It came three days before Blustein was to graduate; she will now have to wait at least a year to pick up her diploma. Such a pronouncement from the ill-conceived disciplinary body can only be condemned. We ask that the charges against Messing (which are due for reconsideration in the fall), as well as those against Blustein, be suspended until a more fairly composed body is available to hear them.
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