Eleven students at Emerson College in Boston took over the financial offices of the college at 1 p.m. Monday, and have refused to leave until the administration meets their demands.
The group's demands to Richard Chapin, president of the college, include not giving the names of students to the Marine Corps and other Armed Forces recruiters. The students have complained that several Armed Forces organizations have sent recruiting letters to them.
The administration claims it has no knowledge of any names being distributed, but told the students yesterday that it would investigate the complaint.
Gene B. Telxeira, vice-president of Administration and External Affairs at Emerson College, said yesterday that Chapin had a brief meeting with the occupiers yesterday afternoon, but that nothing was resolved.
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Teixeira added. "No action has yet been taken to clear the office. We still hope that we can resolve the situation amicably."
A spokesman for the students said yesterday. "We have no intention of leaving until the administration fulfills all our demands. We won't be waited out like the blacks at Harvard."
The administration gave the occupiers official notice that they were trespassing on college property Tuesday night, but has made no efforts or threats to reopen the offices.
The offices contain many financial records, which students have agreed not to disturb.
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