
Kirkland, Mather 'A' Crews Meet Today for House Crown

Kirkland and Mather House "A" boats head a field of five House crews that will clash on the Charles this morning to determine supremacy in intramural rowing.

Eliot, Winthrop and Quincy crews join Kirkland and Mather for the varsity race at 10:30 a.m. In a preliminary race at 10 a.m., the Quincy "B" boat will try to stave off challenges from the JV boats of Kirkland and Winthrop.

Attention will be focused however on the battle between Kirkland and Mather for Harvard's House racing crown. Both boats finished the 1500 meter course in 5:25 in separate qualifying heats on Monday, easily defeating their opposition.

In Monday's first heat, Mather turned back Winthrop by about 15 seconds, with Lowell trailing far behind. In the second heat, Kirkland cruised into first with Eliot finishing in 5:35, Quincy in 5:45, and Dunster and Leverett way back.

Quincy earned the right to join the top two finishers in each heat in today's final by winning the consolation race on Tuesday.


Mather's "A" boat is generally regarded as stronger and heavier than the Kirkland crew, but Kirkland's rowers have had more practice together. In addition, Kirkland has the incentive of going for a third consecutive House crew championship.

"I'd have to say that Kirkland House is the favorite simply because its won in the last couple of years." Steve Groth, rowing five for Mather, said last night. "But man for man, we're considerably bigger. I predict a victory for Mather House."

Hugh Taylor, in Kirkland's two seat, agreed that the race will be close. "We and Mather are pretty evenly matched." Taylor said last night. As for the rest of the field, Taylor said. "Quincy is a good boat, but they simply don't have the endurance."

Quincy's crew is confident that it has a good chance of an upset, however. "I think if Quincy House rows the best race we can, we'll win." Andrew Wilking, Quincy's number four oar, said last night, "We plan to come off the line at a 40 and settle down at a 35 or 36," Wilking said.

The "B" boat race was summarized by Jeff Snider of Kirkland's crew: "I think it'll be tight, but Quincy has to be the favorite. Second place is up for grabs."
