

The Mail

To the Editors of the Crimson:

A chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights will be starting in Boston. The purpose of the group is to bring reform to the area of mental health. Slavery has never really left this country, a new slavery more immoral than before exists in its place. The slave masters now, look very conservative, they wear suits--they come from so called "national associations--their supposed purpose is to "protect society from the 'mentally ill'"--they seize them unlawfully, they confine them in institutions against their will, and--rather than making them work like the slaves of days past--they perform operations on their brains--electric shock them, and use them for experimentation with addicting drugs. Color makes no difference with the determination of who is a slave. The "experts", the psychiatrists are the ones to decide. This slavery must be abolished now! Times must change! You can help, and you help is needed. Contact Jeff Friedman, 262-0640, Citizens Commission on Human Rights. THe consulting psychiatrist for the commission is Dr. Thomas Szasz author of The Myth of Mental Illness, and The Manufacture of Madness. Jeff Friedman   Citizens Commission on Human Rights


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