
B.U. Demonstrators Use Hit and Run Tactics

Boston University antiwar protesters used hit and run tactics yesterday in an afternoon of demonstrations that ended with the arrest of two students after a tense confrontation with police on Commonwealth Ave.

At 3:50 p.m., 25 tactical police attempted to move a crowd of over 500 students who were blocking outbound traffic on Commonwealth Ave.

The police broke from their orderly march, and began running after a few demonstrators who were throwing rocks. It was unclear exactly what precipitated the disorder in which one student was injured, taken to the B.U. infirmary and later released.

Police arrested two B.U. undergraduates, Louis Porteous and John Provost, and charged them with assaulting an officer. The two were released on their own recognizance in an arrangement agreed upon by B.U. administrators and police officers to clear the street area and prevent further confrontations.

In compliance with the terms of their release. Porteous and Provost spoke briefly to the crowd, urging them to disperse. The demonstrators soon started to dwindle away, and police, who were at least 80 strong in the height of the disruption, were slowly removed as both sides deescalated simultaneously.


To End Complicity

The protesters-who are striking against the war-are demanding "an end to university complicity with the war." Toward that goal, they request that ROTC, military recruiters and war research be kept off the campus.

At 2:20 p.m. students headed out of the Union and marched to SSI Commonwealth Ave. home of the B.U. records and computer center and scene of a confrontation Saturday afternoon. Three B.U. policemen prevented the marchers from entering as at least one brick and other debris was thrown at the doors. The group then marched up Commonwealth Ave. where the main confrontation took place an hour later.
