
Harvard Golfers Take First; Easily Top Williams and BC

Playing its first match of the season under new coach Bob Harrison, the Harvard golf team beat both Williams and Boston College yesterday under what one player termed the "worst weather conditions I've seen" at the Crimson's home course in Brookline.

Despite the inclement weather, the Crimson played very well, with four of the five Harvard players posting scores under 80. The final team standings, based on the total score of the lowest five golfers from each school, saw Harvard with 390. Williams with 396, and Boston College with a distant 428.

Bill Saletich, a Harvard junior, won medalist honors with a fine round of 75, while captain Skip Kistner was two strokes off the pace with a 77. The other Harvard rounds of 78 by John Backenstose. 79 by Terry Wynne, and 81 by Skip Barry, were enough to beat a Williams team that Kistner called "one of the best in New England."

The Crimson scores were "darned good ones" Kistner said. "The greens were bumpy, and it was freezing out there," he added. Kistner, however, did not have to worry about the greens, sinking an 8-iron on a par 4 for his first lifetime eagle.

Auspicious Start


The win yesterday gives Harvard a 2-0 record by virtue of separate wins over both squads. It was Harrison's first victory since taking over for Cooney Weiland. Kistner called it a "really auspicious start," adding that the team had looked "very good in Spring practice."
