
Div Students Plan Antiwar Activities

Joe Lineberger, National Coordinator of the Clergy and Laity Concerned said yesterday in a conference at the Divinity School that despite increased campus apathy, nonviolent protest must continue to be a "thorn in the flesh" of government repression.

In his talk before an open meeting of 20 faculty and students, Line berger asked that Harvard Theological students join in a nationally-organized solidarity march supporting Father Philip Berrigan in his trial in Harrisburg, Pa.

"We hope to bring at least 400 students to Harrisburg on March 29 to demonstrate our concern for the issues involved in the Berrigan trial," Lineberger said.

Charges against Berrigan

Berrigan and six others are charged with plotting to kidnap Nixon advisor Henry A. Kissinger '50, raiding draft boards, and bombing government heating tunnels in Washington.


"We chose Harrisburg as a focal point to direct our general antiwar sentiment," Lineberger said.

Clergy and Laity Concerned, the New York-based branch of the National Union of Theological Students and Seminarians, is coordinating Easter peace activities centered around the Berrigan trial in major cities. The group has planned press conferences for March 17 in Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York and Boston to publicize the march.

Centering Antiwar Protests

Other antiwar activities planned by the National Union include conferences to discuss corporate responsibility and military chaplaincy.

Members of a committee formed at the end of the conference will meet March 13 to determine interest and extent of involvement on the part of HDS students.
