


Vocal recital: by Jane Struss, controlto, and Philip Morehead, piano. Program of Bach, Brahms, Crawford, and Mahler, Kirkland House JCR. 8:30, Friday, March 3.

Sheryl Cohen, pianist will play music of Bach, Beethoven, Liszt and Chopin. Currier Senior Common Room, 8:30, March 4. Free.

Boston Symphony Orchestra performing Brahms, Verdi and Kirchner. Symphony Hall, 2, March 3, 8:30, March 4.

Liszt, Debussy, Schubert, John Owings, piano. Dunster House Library, 5:30, March 3.

Beethoven and Hindemith, horn sonatas, 5:30. March 4. Chamber Music, Duesenberry. Pace, Peyton, Petrassi. Boulez, Ives, Martinu. Bartok. 3, March 5.


HRO Winds. Mass Brass and guests. Works by Beethoven, Mozart. Rorem, and Gabrieli. Kirkland House JCR. 8:30, March 4. Free.

Harvard University Jazz Ensemble. Adams House dining room. 8, March 5, Free.
