
Eleven Pins Highlight Wrestling Finals

Grueling action and come-from-behind victories highlighted the final round of the annual intramural wrestling tourney yesterday.

Nick Whitman, wrestling in the house 137 lb. final, opened the championship round with a second period pin over Rick Binder.

Classy Outclassing

After Whitman pinned his opponent, freshman Steve Hamilton put on a real exhibition in outclassing Dave Barlow, 14-0, in the fresh 145 lb. class. After John Rosenberg took the house 145 lb. class by forfeit. Stuart Sundlun and Pete Quesada tangled in one of the best matches of the day.

Both contestants were old friends coming from the same school but Quesada who had beaten two tough opponents to reach the finals, was clearly the Levorite Sundlun used a combination of muscular gyros to take an early lead and hung on for a 60 victory.


There were close matches in both the house 130 and 152 lb classes. In the lightweight bout, Non Kim and Sam Change battled events for two and a half periods until Change used a bat arm for a pin with 25 seconds left

In the upper class Spiro Battzokrs won a nip and tuck decision over Lowell's Bill Davidson 5-3.

After Greenough's Ben Gale pinned Alan Bozer in 1-40 for the fresh 160 crown. Lowell's Bill McClarnon met Dunster's Marshal Jones in the meet's most exciting match.

Guts and Grit

McClarnon, last year's freshman wrestling captain, was leading Jones 7-0 as the third period began. Jones, who had never wrestled at Harvard, gained four points on pure guts moves and pinned his opponent with 28 seconds left in the match

As for the 155 lb classes, freshman Mike Pitts won a close decision over Chuck Swanson and Kyle Zardam put away Steve Kistner in 1:18 for the house title

Another exciting come from behind win was registered by freshman Carl Kempner in the 191 lb class kempner trailing 1-0 in the third period and apparently fatigued used a three quarter nelson to press John Foreman in 18 seconds of the third period.

In the heavyweight divisions, Bill Jahsman gave his all but was no match for powerful Bob Kristoff and lost 11-0. Dave Brickman took the fresh title with a quick three minute pin Brickman reviewing with an attitude common to most grapplers at the tourney said "my strategy was to go for a quick pin. I knew I couldn't last six minutes."
