
Cudhea Resigns Harvard Job To Edit the Saturday Review

David W. Cudhea '53, University Editor, will leave Harvard this week to edit the education supplement of the Saturday Review.

Cudhea, who since 1969 has been in charge of the University Gazette and Harvard Today, will have "a vast degree of autonomy in forming staff, and in shaping the whole magazine" once each month. Ronald P. Kriss '54, executive editor, said Tuesday.

The education supplement, which rotates with three other weekly supplements, will double in size when Cudhea takes over. Kriss said The supplement will then constitute two-thirds of the magazine.

Cudhea said Monday he presently knows of no other major changes in the supplement. He said the supplement should consider the "broad topic of education, not just schools" and present a wide range of views, from "radical to those more oriented toward the system."

The education supplement and the other three supplements--The Arts, The Society, and Science--will soon be available together once a month as a separate magazine, Kriss said.


Cudhea said he hopes that the supplement will become "a real forum, not just for professionals" but for general readers.

Deane W. Lord will replace Cudhea as University Editor and Publications Consultant in the Office for Development.

The decision to hire Cudhea was made by Kriss, John Veronis and Nicolas Charney, founders of Psychology Today, Intellectual Digest and Behavior Today, and editors-in-chief of the Saturday Review.
