
SDS Gets a Provisional National Convention OK

Dean Epps yesterday gave permission to H-R Students for a Democratic Society to hold a National SDS Convention Against Racism here this spring, provided the group pays all outstanding debts that the University charges it with owing and abides by several other conditions.

Katherine J. Moos, vice president of SDS, said yesterday that SDS believes several of the bills are not legitimate, but is willing to discuss them with Epps.

According to Epps, SDS still owes the University $717.94 in unpaid debts.

Epps said SDS must limit attendance at the convention to 915 people, the capacity of Lowell Lec, as posted by the Cambridge Fire Department.

SDS estimated previously that from 600 to 800 would attend.


Epps said that in all future publicity for the convention. H-R SDS must specify that it, and not the national organization, is the sponsor.

"This provision is very important to us," he said. "Failure of H-R SDS to comply, should a permit be issued, will result in the revocation of the permit."

SDS plans to comply with this request and the limitation on attendance, Moos said.

Moos placed the remaining debts charged to SDS in three categories:

One bill--amounting to $364.14, or 51 per cent of the total--which stems from a regional conference held here last spring. Moos said SDS will pay the bill upon receipt of an itemization from Epps. Epps said he will send SDS an itemization if they request it in writing.

Bills incurred prior to September 1970 which SDS is contesting because, Moos said, they are difficult to verify. She said Nathaniel Stillman '68 incurred four of these bills without the authority of SDS.

Other bills and incurred during the Summer Session by a separate Summer School chapter of SDS.

Moos and Epps both said they remain open to discussion on the bills.

Epps said the convention--which SDS hoped to begin on Thursday, March 30--could not start until March 31 due to conflicts being held in Lowell Lec. The convention is scheduled to end on April 2
