
What Makes Breslin Tick?

Sports are like life. Hard, rough, fast.

People who write sports learn a lot about life. They learn what makes people tick under pressure, Jimmy Breaslin got his start as a sportswriter. So did Ring Lardner. So did James Restion.

You may not believe this, but you may want to write sports anyway. That makes sense. Whether it's watching girls and guys run around a track, crash into each other on a field or hit a little ball with a long piece of wood, we cover it all.

So if you care about the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, come and talk with us tonight of tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. at The Crimson, 14 Plympton St. We'll welcome you with refreshments and open arms.

Who knows? Someday, someone may say of you, "Who is that behind the Royal typewriter?"
