
Greetings to Our Friends

IF EVERYONE would tell us what they covet (Which isn't always what they really need) We'd gladly do our best to help (we'd love it) And to our friends deliver these, with speed. First to the Boks the Prez and Ms Two basketballs, one hers, one his With lesson from coach Harrison And best regards for everyone. For Marina Horner, and Joseph too A real merge merger to both of you, Reverence to Deany Lord Dunlop Epps Don't ship on tey U-Hall steps to Peterson. Dals and other veeps We'll wished no enses to wake your sleeps To Comes and Jewett, sing Noel pax vobiscum fred deknatel A final Christmas laurel wreath George Bennett, hark' before you go And cheer to your portfolio To Messing Pasztor, Mercadel (Of SDS yaf. Afro) tell Your friends and comrades at and neat We send them hope for this new year To Buckley (Kevin) Ritchie Mike) We send Pulitzers (what Niemen like) For Marty Kilson and E. GuinierFour aspirin and two fifths of cheer. Dean Ebert, Dr. Funkenstein A Mystecin cocktail a jug of win Health Marg McKenna and Warren Wacker Adros Sizer and Hi. ylvisaker A Moose for Miss Bishop the poetry maker Metaphysical rapture for Herschel C.Baker.Petkevitch, and Valenzuela Make those New Years parties gala. Kudo to papa, applause for all the sports stars. And may Starrs sparkle brightly in Bill Liller's sky Shedding light on the lectures of AI Alcalay Gloria! Emerson, it's calm dreams you want So. Le Due Tho and kissinger, speed your entente. Ring registers loudly for Dave and for Hazen, Rememberwarm summers, remember Tom Crooks. (To Ted Alevizos return all your books.) Happy birthday dear friend Arnold Q Arboretum. Good luck to the school-super. Alflorence Cheatham Doeting and Dolphin, let all Grignards rest Spare your students from fructocide on the next text. Now Bowersock. Whitlock, Kagan, Kiely. Keep all your committee meetings smiley. John Bethel and Bulletin Staff, make Good News Try to trump up some vict're for dear Perla Hewes. Drink up, Levines, there's truth in wine. Hey, Master Peretz, you're doing fine. McGovern. Shriver, drown your woes. We all know that's the way it goes. Dick Nix n Spiro, save your glee For the office party at I.T.T. Cheers to Popkin. Schorseh and Blustein. Applause for BSO and Bernstein. (But maybe that one doesn't rhyme If steen now has the sound of stine) But cheers, no less, you're quite fantastic. For you, Norton Poet, a hudibrastic. (Now, Paula Cronin, your Gazette, Has hired a doggerel-laureate But stick to news, next Christmastime Leave poetasting to The Crime.)

ONE FINAL WISH for everyone. The best, when all is said and done: Peace--for Indochina first, Peace, wherever war is worst, Peace for strangers, Peace for friends, To each, we hope this new year sends Peace with yourself that never ends.
