

The Christmas rock 'n' roll lull is upon us. Between now and New Year's about the most interesting thing in town will be the continuing hassles with the Fire Department and the licensing people. Whether the house full of lit matches will continue to be Boston's cry of "We want more!" remains to be seen. For myself, the Aquarius Theatre is still the last place I'd want to be in a fire. Meanwhile....West, Bruce and Laing. This is one of Don Law's popular demand engagements. But WBL must be doing something right, because a return show within a month or so of the first one is quite a feat indeed. I guess people really want to hear old Cream songs. I do too. But I've got all the records. J. Gells Band. I've said, on numerous occasions, as well as in front of people, that J. Geils is the best three chord rock 'n' roll band in the world. I'm also one of the few people who feels that Full House doesn't do them justice. They must be seen, and the best place to see them is here, because this is the band that made Boston famous. Grand Funk Railroad. What's even more interesting is that Funk is playing Boston opposite WBL. Because somebody's going to die the death in Boston on Sunday night. I'm not sure whether GFR still has it: Terry Knight made them, he'd try to break them but he likes their money. He has moved himself to say that the tour reminds him of curious motorists passing an accident scene.
