An advertising agency has filmed scenes of Harvard this week as part of a public relations movie for the Massachusetts Commerce Department.
Chirirg and Cairns Inc., a Brookline-based advertising firm is currently filming throughout the state for a movie aimed at enticing industry to Massachusetts.
"I assume that Harvard, as the country's foremost educational institution, would play a part in any film about Massachusetts." Robert J. Conway, a commissioner's assistant in the Commerce Department, said yesterday.
Hilles and Hockey
Despite adverse weather conditions this week, the film crew shot scenes of Hilles Library, Radcliffe field hockey practices and other places and events on campus.
John Nazzaro, a spokesman for Chiring and Cairns, said that the idea behind the film comes from a study of life in 22 industrial states done earlier this year by Arthur D. Little, Inc. of Cambridge. The study published under the title "Quality of Life," concluded that Massachusetts was a "pretty good place to live Conway raid.
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