
Silence Marks 'Victory Party'

The 200 people who showed up at McGovern election night headquarters in Boston greeted the prospect of a long and empty night with much the same attitude they had watched the earliest returns--silence, defiance and an occasional frolie with useless horns and whistles.

The 14th-floor ballroom at the Parker House was half-empty throughout the early part of the evening. Four television sets drew occasional responses from the crowd.

By 8.50 p.m. last night two of the three major television networks had given Richard Nixon the presidency.

At 9:10 p.m. CBS announced the first McGovern state wide victory, estimating that the South Dakotan would take Massachusetts 54-46. The report was greeted with enthusiasm and the noisemakers got their only extensive use of the evening.

A McGovern spokesman announced shortly thereafter that wards 15, 16 and 17-- known as hard hat country--had voted solidly for McGovern and that was the end of the jubilation.


Within the hour, Massachusetts State Coordinated John McCane thanked the cross for its support bid it to be proud of harling front Massachusetts and reported he had discussed that evening the legal possibilities of seceding from the Union and making George McGovern President of Massachusetts.

It was the end of a process which for many had started over a near ago.

John Penberthy a McGovern volunteer discussed the most at stair headquarters that night. "It's been depressed mostly people wondering what to do next he said "Most of them have been working for the Senator since New Hampshire It's been a long road now its over where do we go front here McGovern such a nice guy It's still hard to believe they aren't going to elect him."

By 11 p.m. the pretzels were gone reports were predicting a major landslide for President Nixon, and several tearful volunteers were reading letters of thanks from the Boston area student coordinator. I hope the gift of this staff button conveys how much I wish you had been on the staff and how much I appreciated your effects."
