Daniel Ellsherg 52, charged during a speech last night at Tufts University that the Soviet Union and Red China failed to react forcefully to the mining of Haiphong harbor because Henry A. Kissinger 50 had alerted them to the possibility of the mining three years in advance.
Ellsberg said that Kissinger had wared Alexis Dobrinin. Soviet Ambassador to the U.S., in 1969 the President Nixton through Kissinger had made his Vietnam plans clear to the Russians while hiding them from the American people.
Ellsberg said that he had analyzed a similar plan--that of mining. Haiphone-- in 1964, when he worked for the Department of Defense.
He said that he worked as part of a Department of Defense studs group on alternative options for the bombing of North Vietnam. He said that the options considered were similar to those proposed by Senator Barry M. Goldwater (R-Ariz.) and publicly rejected as extreme by then President Johnson.
Ellsberg described today's presidential election as a choice "as simple and flat as that between was and peace." He said that the re-election of President Nixon should not be interpreted as approval of Nixon's Vietnam policy, but may be attributable to the public's attitudes on racial matters.
He said that the war in Vietnam is a result of the "delegation to the executive branch of the Federal Government of almost unlimited and unchecked authority."
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