
Chomsky Labels Israeli State 'Disastrous' and Undemocratic

The establishment of the State of Israel was "wrong and disastrous." Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics at MIT, told an audience of 400 last night at the MIT student center.

"The concept of a democratic Jewish state is a contradiction in terms," Chomsky said.

Chomsky took issue with positions taken by Michael L. Walzer, professor of Government, who, he said, had defended Israeli democracy. "There is not now and never will be democracy in Israel," Chomsky said.

Israel will definitely retain the land that it took in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Chomsky said. "Since 1967, the situation has been leading to a permanent occupation," he added.

Chomsky conceded, however, that Israel's fears for its security, which have prompted it to hold on to the land, are justified.


He complimented Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, who he said "has been quite realistic in the past, and still is today."

"Moshe Dayan is by no means a reactionary," Chomsky said.

Chomsky said that many Israeli liberals share his animosity towards Israel's expansion into occupied territories. He said that Israel's social structure will become like Rhodesia's. He charged that there has been little coverage in the American press of news from the Israeli occupied land.

Chomsky spoke at a forum sponsored by the Tufts Hillel Non--Zionist Caucus, and the MIT Arab students club.
