Black Communist Angela Davis told a racially mixed crowd of 1000 in Roxbury last night that, "there is no fundamental difference between Nixon and McGovern."
"Both the Democrats and Republicans have to subject themselves to the interests of big business," Davis said. "They are all playing in one great orchestra of racism, oppression and imperialism."
Davis charged that President Nixon has demonstrated his ability to "out-Wallace Wallace." "And I say that any black person who stands up and asks black people to vote for Richard Nixon is a traitor," she said.
Davis urged voters to work for the Communist party as an alternative to Democrats and Republicans. She called for the election of Gus Hall and Jarvis Tyner, Communist Party candidates for president and vice president, saying that Senator George McGovern is "also part of a vast system of exploitation."
"We realize that it will not be a winning campaign in the sense that we will get a Communist president and vice president," Davis said.
"But it will be a winning campaign in the sense of warning the ruling class that we are fed up with their exploitation both here and abroad."
Davis said, "If we cannot beat Tricky Dick, we must create an atmosphere in which he will be forced to withdraw from Vietnam, because a victory for the Vietnamese people is also our victory."
Davis, who just returned from a tour of socialist countries said, that "pseudo revolutionaries have accused me of abandoning the struggle, but the international struggle for my freedom began in the socialist countries and I felt the need to thank them."
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