George McGovern's efforts to sway the Jewish vote in the 1972 election were attacked Wednesday by Dr. Gerald Caplan, professor of Psychiatry at the Medical School.
Caplan, senior psychiatric consultant for the Peace Corps, co-authored a pamphlet which states McGovern uses "major distortions, misrepresentations, and spurious rationalizations" aimed at Jewish voters to demonstrate his support of Israel.
Larry Goldberg of The Committee to Re-elect the President, whose staff position deals with winning the Jewish vote, accepted for national distribution this position paper written by Caplan and two other professors.
Truth Coinciding
The other contributors are Arnold M. Soloway--former professor at Harvard Boston College, and Brown--and Edwin Weiss, professor of mathematics at Boston University. Soloway is the major contributor to the study.
A campaign pamphlet describing McGovern's position on Israel prompted the study. "We feel McGovern's pamphlet was misleading," Weiss said. "His handout emphasizes facts which do not coincide with the truth."
Weiss said that McGovern has assured full U.S. support of Israel, but that he still supports the Roger's Plan. This plan, issued by Secretary of State William Rogers, calls for the return of Israeli occupied land to Egypt, Jordan, and Syria before negotiations begin.
Weiss said that this plan is "contrary to Israeli security." Weiss and the others feel McGovern is contradictory. "McGovern has called for 40 per cent defense cuts, which in our opinion would eliminate chances for peaceful settlement in the Middle East," Weiss said.
Should McGovern become President, Weiss said, confrontation and war would be inevitable since the USSR will probably challenge the U.S. authority in the Middle East.
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